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How to hack Instagram account

Hack Instagram Account Using      Termux App On Android 

So, we will use the BruteForce attack method, which the program keeps putting in the passwords until we get the right one. The program puts the password over and over again, it will take a long time, it might fail. 

1. First of all, install termux app
    from playstore.

2. Open termux app. 

It's look like this. 

3. Type this command  given below 
     "apt update"  and hit enter. 
     "apt upgrade" and hit enter.

4.  "apt install python"  &&  "apt install python2"

5.  After then type "pkg install git" and hit enter.

After doing this,

6. Type  "git clone"

this command will clone the program to your device. 

NOTE:-  Wait until package installation process done.

Type  "ls" hit enter.

Go to the directory simply type this command carefully.

 "cd instahack" + Enter

Type "ls" to see what is inside the folder.

There are five things inside the folder, "", "pass.txt", "screenshot.jpg", "" and "proxy.txt"

Now we have to remove the password wordlist.text because this wordlist contains only two or three passwords and add a big wordlist.txt file

Type " rm - f pass.txt" hit enter
 Again type "ls"  and enter

Now,  you can add any wordlist.txt file

Simply just go to Google and type into search bar  'password wordlist'  download in txt format. You can download any wordlist as you want.

After being download the wordlist go  to file manager and rename the  wordlist  file as "pass.txt"

After this, now come back to termux app  type  "cd /sdcard" and

After typing this command you'll entering the SD card , now select that  folder you have that "pass.txt"  file is kept.
Type this..  "cd folder name" +enter
You'll see" pass.txt "file

Now we will copy the wordlist/pass.txt  file in instahack directory
Type this command
 "cp -f pass.txt $HOME/instahack"
 "cd $HOME"
 " ls"

Go to the directory type....

"cd instahack" and "ls"

7. Install pip module...

 "pip install requests"

 "pip install beautifulsoup4"

After this type  "ls" and hit enter

8. Now you need to chmod the file, so type

" chmod +x" hit enter..
 "ls"  hit enter.

9. Execute the program


"python" and press enter

So now  enter your victim username and press enter...

It will take a long time .

Wait until the password gets successfully.



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